Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Preparing to Leave

Packing is underway. Buck and I are really preparing to leave Thursday at 6:00 AM.  Bet we won't get much sleep tonight.  When we lived in the motor home all we had to do was close the slide outs and hit the road.  Since we've moved into the apartment, packing is a huge ordeal. But we'll make it and will hit the road at 6:00 AM.  Some of the family will be out at their driveway waving "Good-bye" so we'd better be there to let them see us off.  Pray for safe travels and good weather.  This is the beginning of a trip of a lifetime.  Alaska, here we come!!


  1. So glad you are going to blog about this. What an adventure!

  2. Looking forward to hearing about your travels and big adventure.
    Safe travels

  3. I'm so excited to travel along via your Blog!!! Have fun.

  4. Hope y'all have lots of fun! Can't wait to see pics and hear about your adventure. Safe travels!!!!
