Tuesday, May 19, 2015

First Leg - Memphis, Tennessee

We pulled out at 6:00 AM Thursday, May 14, as planned.  Family members were there to see us off - Jason blinked his porch lights at us, Taylor and Melana rode with us in the motor home up to Leigh Ann's driveway where she was waiting with her two boys.  They were waving good-bye.  After hugs and kisses, we set out on our trip.

Memphis was our first stop.  It was a 12 hour drive.  Our site at Graceland RV Park was ready and waiting.  Friday, we set off for Graceland which was next door.  We first viewed a presentation of Elvis's hometown, Tupelo, Mississippi.  There we learned that Elvis had a twin - born first but was still born.  Parents were not aware that his mom was expecting twins. We also learned that Elvis's father was in prison during Elvis's childhood.  We toured the mansion Elvis purchased when he was 22 years old. It was beautiful, but a little small for mansions today.   Considering it was built and decorated in the 70's, it was very appropriate for Elvis's home.

We went on a dinner cruise on the Mississippi River Saturday evening.  That was fun.  We saw fireworks from Beale Street, but we didn't venture there.  Too many people.  This was the weekend for the national barbeque cookoff, which was happening by the river-side. Also, people were out and about honoring BB King and his music. And the Memphis Grizzleys professional basketball team played on Friday. So Saturday night was really hopping!!!

On Sunday we met some people who will be in our caravan to Alaska. Amazing that they were traveling from their home in Hilton Head, SC,and staying at the same RV park making their way, as were are, to the meeting place for the caravan - Great Falls, Montana. Small World.

Sunday evening we went by limo to a barbeque-rib restaurant called Marlowe's.  They give a free limo service for customers.  So we enjoyed our ride in a PINK limo!  Well, we were in Elvis's town!

So that was our time in Memphis.  I decided very quickly that I love where I live and really don't care to return to Memphis.  But I did develop a new liking to Elvis and some of his music.  Yes we bought a CD.

Withrow Springs State Park sounds more like where I'd like to be.  That's our second leg of the trip and an adventure we'll share with you another day.   Thanks for your thoughts and prayers for our trip of a life-time.


  1. I can't believe you met another couple going to Alaska! Wow, its a small world. Thanks for sharing the Elvis info, I didn't know any of that.

  2. thanks for the update and will be expecting future updates! Praying for a safe and pleasureable trip...pictures too!...Love, Nannette Leonhart

  3. Well, it sounds as if you are off to a good start with your adventure. Have fun and be safe!!!!!

  4. Thanks for the update. Love hearing first hand on your trip of a lifetime. Safe travels
