Friday, May 29, 2015

Branson was an easy drive, only 11/2 hours from Withrow Springs State Park.  And it was uneventful, thank goodness. We took the back way to the KOA campground.  By doing so, we crossed a huge bridge over beautiful Table Rock Lake,  KOA campgrounds always have good sites and a laundry, which we were beginning to need.

The clubhouse at the KOA has free pancakes each morning.  But if you want a drink, meat, etc, you will pay for that.  Good place to go and meet other campers.  We sat down with some people who turned out to be the parents of the new owner.  They are from Louisanna and were very proud of their son's new purchase.  We actually met him also, when he came to speak to them.  Good guy.

We selected some shows that we would like to see at Branson so that planned out our stay for the most part.  The first show we attended was a "Doo Wop" show where musicians give tribute to music groups by singing their songs.  We really enjoyed the music of The Platters, The Temptations,The Coasters, and a few more.  Brought back memories of college days where the real artists came to UNC-G for spring dances.

We also went to the Legends Concert.  It was really great, too.  Artists who were featured were Brooks and Dunn, Michael Jackson, and Elvis Presley.  We watched one young girl about age 13 I guess, sitting with her mother.  The mom loved the show, dancing in her seat and clapping.  The daughter didn't respond. You could tell that the mom didn't get to go to shows like this often. You could also tell how she loved her daughter.  This hit home to me.  My mother provided many opportunities for me that, at the time, I didn't appreciate.  I do now.  Thanks, Mother.

The very best show was the next one we attended, The Chinese Acrobats.  I've never seen anything like that before.  All ages from young children to adults gave a super performance.  Their balance and coordination, not to mention their self-discipline, were unbelievable. This show was recommended to us by my cousin who had seen it several years ago.  I am so glad we went.

On Sunday we awoke to rain again.  Actually, it rained every day since we've been here.  The campground is full of campers and motor homes with all the occupants still inside.  No outside play for these folks.

We cleaned the motorhome and waited for some friends to arrive. We had never met these friends before, but we've spoken with them through email and cell phone.  They will be our "tail gunners" for the caravan to Alaska.  They live near Branson so they wanted to visit us while we were here.  So glad they came.  Feels like we've known them for years.  We learned how much detailed work has gone into planning a caravan for 22 coaches in and out of Canada and into Alaska.  They, together with the Wagon Masters plan the entire trip for us.  We will see them again on June 12 when Buck and I arrive in Great Falls, Montana.  From there, we will leave with the caravan on June 16.

The last show we saw in Branson was a repeat for us.  John Denver.  Of course he wasn't there, just like the other artists we've mentioned.  But his good friend, James Garrett provided the concert.   Once again, it was an entertaining show.

Before the concert began, several people were waiting outside the theater.  A lady with a service dog came to sit near me.  We talked and I learned that she has the service dog for three reasons:  severe diabetes, PTSD from the Oklahoma bombing, and seizures.  The dog is trained to respond to the German language first and then to English.  The lady's name is Denene Harper and the service dog's name is Elsie.  Denene has PTSD from the Oklahoma bombing because she witnessed it.  She worked in the federal building and was late to work that day.  She was walking from her car to the building and witnessed the explosion.  All her co-workers were blown up including a pregnant lady whose baby shower was scheduled that afternoon.  Denene developed seizures after her husband attempted to kill her for an inheritance she was given at her mother's death.  WOW.  AND Denene is from Corn, Oklahoma, where the real John Denver's grandmother lived.  His "Country Roads" and "Grandma's Feather Bed" songs, came from his memories in Corn.  Denene has memories of that feather bed, also. She was jumping on that feather bed one day while she was visiting and John's grandma got really mad.  She told Denene to go outside and get a switch, which Denene did, and then John's grandma switched Denene with it.

Denene and Elsie travel the country, telling her story.  She's a motivational speaker and her business is called  "Paws-itively Speaking."  She doesn't charge a fee but will take donations, if given.  It's amazing what stories you can hear from people when you take time to listen!

Tail gunners, Tom and Sandy
We didn't take many pictures during our time in 
Branson.  But here's a few.                                 

John Denver Show with James Garrett.


Slides are in, truck is attached.  Here we go to Kansas.

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