Thursday, June 4, 2015

Rocky Mountain High

Saturday, May 30, I started driving on the trip from Nebraska to Colorado.  Beautiful day and no trouble.  Well, there was road construction as it is on every trip.  Those orange barrels can really make for a narrow lane especially when the other side of the lane has a concrete barrier or worse, a raging Colorado river 30 feet below with no side rail to "protect" you.  But that's OK.  If the truckers can get through those narrow spaces, so can I.  And that's the truth.  There's no horror story coming from this! Like Buck says, "Just pucker up and drive through it." Along the way, we needed to stop for fuel.  So I pulled off the I-80 exit to a Flying J. As I was turning slowly, of course, into the car/RV entrance, I saw a car leaving the exit.  I glanced down and a woman looked up at me with great surprise.  I waved and smiled and she did, also. Yes, a woman can maneuver a 60 ft. rig!

After 4 hours we changed drivers at a rest area.  We don't even leave the motor home en route except for fuel.  Buck has to get out and pump the fuel, of course, but bathroom and food needs are met in-house. Fort Collins, KOA in Colorado was our destination.  We pulled into the campground in record time.

After set-up, we sorted laundry and I went to the laundry room at the KOA.  Buck showered and rested, then came to help me fold clothes.  We ate dinner as usual - in the motor home.  Chili burgers with cheese and onion.  Rain came, as usual.  We haven't had a day without rain since we stopped in Memphis.

Sunday morning was clear and beautiful.  We attended worship service at Bethel Baptist in Fort Collins.  A picture is shown below.

Bethel Baptist Church, Ft. Collins, Colorado
We entered a beautiful sanctuary with a very welcoming congregation.  One lady from Greensboro, NC was especially happy to meet us.  She was glad to hear someone talk like her.  The pastor was from Alabama.  His sermon was based on John 18 where Jesus was brought before Pilot for sentencing. I remembered much of the sermon and realize that it was not Jesus on trial that day, but Pilot, himself.

After the service, we had lunch, and headed to the Rockies.  As we drove through them I remembered John Denver's songs about the Rockies. "Rocky Mountain High" came to mind.  The Rockers are so majestic, massive, magnificent, marvelous, mysterious, and made by God. (Got stuck on "M" words) Yes, you could get high on all that!  We went to the Rocky Mountain National Park Visitors' Center and Buck got his National Park Passport stamped. We also bought him a long-sleeved T-shirt with the RMNP picture and logo. It was a birthday present since he has a birthday coming up.  We also bought post cards.   A young family with girls about the age of 9 and 5 were in the visitors' center.  They were separately being indicted as junior ranger members of the RMNP Service.  After each induction, the ranger asked for a round of applause from all the visitors; we gladly joined in.  I think they had to buy a junior ranger vest in order to be inducted.  The joy on the girls' faces made it worth the purchase.

We left the visitors' center and headed higher in the Rockies.  We drove on Trail Ridge Road which is the highest continuous highway in the US.  It's highest point is 12,183 feet.  Man, talk about high!! As we were in the higher levels we saw snow and even skiers. They would ski down the mountain range and hitch-hike back to the top for another ride down.  Young folks, of course!

In the meadows we saw wildlife grazing or resting.  Large elk families sunned together there in the meadow.  Antelope grazed along the roadside.

We saw miles of mountains with no trees.  Guess that's why they're called the "Rocky" Mountains.

It stormed Sunday night; not a day without rain since we left Shelby.

Must end this blog with a story about the TV.  Remember the antenna is probably still in Merriam, Kansas.  I knew Buck wouldn't go long without one, so on Monday, a RV repair guy brought in a new antenna and installed it for us.  We are $500.00 poorer than before that day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll get Buck back for this!
Entering tunnel

Snow-capped Rockies


  1. Great adventure! One place we want to see the Rockies!

  2. This Melana I just wanted to let you know that I miss you and I hope you have a great trip and all those post cards you sent me I have been keeping I love you have a great trip!

  3. Thank you, sweet Melana. We miss you so much! You stay sweet and have a great summer. We love you too!
